At The Financial Times: Theresa May in trouble? A story in Headlines & Sub-headlines, as told by Would-be Journalist

Its Monday July 17, 2017 at before 7 AM  PDT, here is a screen capture of an e-mail I received from The Financial Times:


All of these ‘News Stories’ published on July 16, 2017, in order of appearance:

Headline: Theresa May gains Conservative support to sack ministers

Sub-headline: Backbenchers urge prime minister to bring discipline to feuding cabinet


Headline: Philip Hammond accuses cabinet Brexiters of leaking against him

Sub-headline: Hardliners working to obstruct business-friendly Brexit strategy, says chancellor

Headline: Theresa May’s new Downing Street team emerges

Sub-headline: In the prime minister’s office, officials are clawing their way to the summer break

The Tory penchant for ‘Referendums’ has been catastrophic to the political careers of both Cameron and May, to state the obvious. The fate of Britain’s membership in the E.U. left in the hands of The Great Unwashed! Where was ‘Political Fixer’ Lynton Crosby?  May now faces a rebellion within her Cabinet as reported in The Financial Times: with each of these ‘Referendums’ the position and power of Corbyn grew exponentially. This newspaper has been active in promoting the Neo-Liberal Agendas of both Tory and New Labour, but with the rise of Corbyn, within Labour, May is the only hope for the survival of that Neo-Liberalism. Yet Gideon Rachman offers more of the same, posed as a question worthy of consideration, as antidote to the Brexit, this of July 17, 2017.

Headline: The democratic case for stopping Brexit

Sub-headline: The question is whether the British public would support a second referendum


Would-be Journalist



About stephenkmacksd

Rootless cosmopolitan,down at heels intellectual;would be writer. 'Polemic is a discourse of conflict, whose effect depends on a delicate balance between the requirements of truth and the enticements of anger, the duty to argue and the zest to inflame. Its rhetoric allows, even enforces, a certain figurative licence. Like epitaphs in Johnson’s adage, it is not under oath.'
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